Metro Disco in Barcelona

Metro Disco - Barcelona
100% gay open every day... Metro Disco is one of the pioneers' clubs in Barcelona,. It has two rooms in the same space, five bars, dark room, videolounge. Dance music, house with resident dj's Bratt, Cani in the mean room and daily spectacles, music a little more "petarda" in the second room.
Metro Disco in Barcelona
C/ Sepúlveda, 185, 08011 Barcelona, SpainArea: Eixample left
Website: Metro Disco - Barcelona
Opening hours: Sunday - Tuesday - Wednesday and Thursday from 0am to 5am
Phone: 93 323 52 27
Metro/Bus: Metro: L2 Sant Antoni / Night bus: N6
Barcelona metro map
Hotels: Find your hotel in Barcelona in this area.
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Flax & Kale
Eat better, Live longer
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Great time - PDK (4 Mar 2016 - 08:50)
Was there just before Christmas, The Friday was just ok, but I lost my phone and passport in the back room, went back on Saturday to see if they were found and they had them in the safe, they invited me in w/o cover and after an hour it was packed, great music, met a bunch of people from other countries who spoke English (I'm Canadian with only a little French and German besides English). Backroom was packed that night, had fun with a few guys.... Will definitely be going back next time I'm in Barcelona
commento - Sergio (23 Aug 2011 - 01:15)
Le mie più belle serate son state li
Friday night - Jesper (21 Jun 2011 - 09:15)
I went again to the "gay club" called Metro. I did not feel that I was in a gay club, because there was a lot if women there. I have to ask where do men go to meet other men in BCN????
Entrance fee every night? - Jesper (15 Jun 2011 - 08:45)
I would have liked to go dancing tonight, but the door man wanted me to pay 16 euros for a tuesday night.................. I have been to the Metro before and it can be good but worth that ammount, I am not sure........... I know you want to make money out of tourists, but you also have to deliver the goods.... which you have not yet done.............
bcn - niki (2 Jan 2010 - 10:45)
nice that you wrote that u got a fantastic blow job, worth visiting !
tom - tom (30 Dec 2009 - 20:45)
got a fantastic blow job
John - Metro gay club (mostly white gay club) (15 Aug 2009 - 19:09)
Ethnic minorities are not welcome alone so if you belong to a visible minority go along with a white friend.
Las minorías étnicas no son bien venidas así que si pertenecéis a una minoría visible id acompañadas de un amigo blanco.
Have a nice night!
metro disco - fred marseille (11 Oct 2008 - 10:23)
c le 1er club gay k g fait arrivé a barcelone conseillé par mec rencontré o bar franchment pamal bondé de monde de bomec pas de folle me sui fait branché mec open plusieur ambiance musik pas top par contre a revoir
nice!! - someone (23 Jun 2007 - 22:57)
i miss Metro Bar!! two thumbs up for this bar!
Ambiance a revoir... - Francais de Barcelone ! (8 May 2007 - 19:09)
Bientot 6 mois que je vis a Barcelone et j'ai du mettre les pieds dans cette boite 5 ou 6 fois, et je ne la recommande vraiment PAS !!! La clientele n'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus beau a Barcelone et surtout pas tres chaude non plus ... Pour la danse il faudra repasser aussi ...
Vraiment si vous voulez vous amuser evtiez La Metro et foncez a l'Arena !!!
metro disco - chris (7 Jan 2007 - 00:26)
i havent been there yet but ill be visiting this club during summer time ,i hope to have a good time there!
Metro closed for renovation - (16 Apr 2006 - 21:15)
Just visited BCN this week-end and found Metro is closed for renovation...
/Per - April 16th 2006