The Costa Brava and Costa Dorada

Visit our beautiful Catalonia regions

The Costa Brava is a 160 kilometer stretch of beautiful, rugged coastline in the region of Catalonia in the North East corner of Spain. Natural beauty, endless miles of sandy beaches and summer

sunshine. You'll find modern, international tourist resorts with high-rise hotels alongside unspoilt fishing villages, sheltered rocky coves and medieval towns with ancient castles.

For your stay: Our preferred hotels in the Costa Brava + Check out our Costa Brava Tours


The Costa Dorada or Costa Daurada (The Golden Coast) The color of gold - soft, warm and bright - is predominant along the marine littoral in the southern part of Catalonia and has rightly given it the name of Costa Dorada (Golden Coast). The 20 towns that make up the Costa Dorada cover a marine littoral 216 kilometers long, 786 hectares of spacious beaches with clean fine sand and transparent shallow water. Between the sea and the mountain range there are wide areas filled with peaceful towns and farmlands, where vineyards, olive groves, carobs, hazel trees and almond trees grow, and occasionally even vegetable gardens.

For your stay: Our preferred hotels in the Costa Dorada


Check our pages Barcelona Excursions and Tours from Barcelona for tours in Barcelona.

    La Costa Brava Catalonia Spain

    Costa Brava

    beaches, restaurants, museums, hotels..

    Tourism guide of the Costa Brava in Catalonia. Places to see: beaches, restaurants, museums, hotels..

    Costa Dorada Spain

    Costa Dorada

    cities, museums, beaches, restaurants, hotels...

    Tourism guide of the Costa Dorada - South of Catalonia. Places to see: cities, museums, beaches, restaurants, hotels...

We Recommend >> Must-sees in Barcelona

These are the most recommended things to do in Barcelona for your holidays.

Barcelona Hotels

The ideal hotel for your stay

Whether you are looking for a family or a business stay or just for a weekend, we have selected for you the best hotels in the city to choose from. All categories at all prices. But also the bargains according to your travel dates. Have a good stay!

Barcelona Hop-On Hop-Off Bus tour

Barcelona Hop-On Hop-Off Bus

Best City Tour: One single ticket, 3 routes and 45 stops!

Discover city sightseeing at your own pace with our selection of Hop-On Hop-Off bus tour tickets. An extraordinary and economic way to make the first connection with main tourist attractions.

From € 31.00
Hola Barcelona Public Transport Card

Hola Transport Card

Unlimited access to public transport

Enjoy unlimited access from 48 to 120 hours to Barcelona's public transport: Metro, bus (TMB), urban railway (FGC, Zone 1), Montjuïc funicular, tram (TRAM), regional railway (Rodalies de Cataluny) + 1 round trip from the airport to the city center. Only excluding NitBus, Aerobus & hop-on hop-off.

From € 19.50
Barcelona City Pass

Barcelona City Pass

Incl. Sagrada Familia, Park Güell + Hop-On Hop-Off..

The "City Pass Barcelona" our best selling pass!
> Sagrada Família Fast Lane + Audioguide
> Fast entrance to Park Güell + Audioguide
> Hop-on Hop-off 24 or 48 hours or Casa Batlló or Casa Milà
> 10% discount on other tours
> Audioguide of Barcelona

From € 85.00


  1. MATH - PASS (9 Apr 2017 - 09:28)


  2. Barcellona - Sandro Capece (15 Dec 2011 - 09:00)

    Sono circa 4 anni che mi reco, con una certa assiduità, a Barcellona. Da quando, cioè, le mie due figlie Chiara e Gaia, hanno deciso di trasferirvisi per lavoro e si sono così bene inserite nel tessuto cittadino, che quando Gaia ha deciso di fare un figlio, non è tornata a Roma, sua città natale, ma ha preferito far nascere la sua splendida Beatrix a Barcellona, sua città di adozione. Barcellona è una città meravigliosa, come i suoi abitanti. Col tempo, mi sono anch'io innamorato di questa città e della Catalunya in generale, tanto che l'anno prossimo mi trasferirò anch'io da quelle parti. Credo alla foce dell'Ebro. Spero di essere accettato con benevolenza dai cittadini di questa bellissima Regione, come è già avvenuto con le mie ragazze. A proposito, sono già tifoso, da diverso tempo, della squadra di calcio più forte del mondo: il BARCELLONA. A presto...........

  3. sobre Barcelona - Ana María (7 Nov 2011 - 14:15)

    Soy de Uruguay en Latinoamérica. Tuve el placer de estar en Barcelona y es realmente hermosa como ciudad.
    Jo estic aprenend catalá i sap poc. M'agrada el catalá. Jo tinc un net catalá. Adeu.

  4. Barcelona. - Ana María Asencio (7 Nov 2011 - 12:00)

    Soy una uruguaya (Uruguay.Latinoamérica), que estuvo de viaje en Barcelona. Quedé encantada de todo lo que conocí. Espero poder volver algún día. Me gusta mucho la página web de ustedes y me encantó el video, ya que me hizo recordar muy buenos momentos vividos allí.
    Jo estic aprendre catalá. Poc a poc. M'agradaría poder parlar. Moltes graciès. Adeu.
    El meu mail:

  5. Mas que playas en Cataluña - snowboarder (5 Nov 2011 - 19:30)


    Solo quieria comentar que en Catalunya tambien tenemos la montaña como los pireneis sobre tode en invierno me encanta disfrutar de la nieve en estaciones de esqui de primera como por ejemplo la molina. En puedes encontrar viajes organizadod incluido el transporte desde barcelona directo a la nieve.

    [url=]Snowboard Barcelona[/url]

  6. PLAYAS CUESTA BRAVA, DORADA, MARESME - Gabriela Bordea (22 Jan 2011 - 09:45)

    Nos gustaría saber cuantas personas acuden al día en las playa de las Cuestas Brava, Dorada, Maresme...una estadistica.

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