Museu de la Xocolata

  • Museu de la Xocolata - Barcelona

    Museu de la Xocolata - Barcelona

Museu de la Xocolata

The Chocolate Museum is a "delicious" museum in Barcelona which wants us to travel through the history of this excellent product, since its origins as a spicy drink to its delight as a French sweet.


Chocolate has always been seen with different purposes: as a medicinal element, an aphrodisiac product, a nutritional value and element located between a legend and reality.


They offer different workshops for youngs and adults.


Come to the sweetest museum of the city!

Museu de la Xocolata

Comerç, 36, 08003 Barcelona, Spain

Area: Ciutat Vella
Website: Museu de la Xocolata - Barcelona
Opening hours: From Monday to Saturday from 10.00 h to 19.00 h and Sunday from 10.00 h to 15.00 h.
Prices: Entrance: 4,30 €. Group: 3,50 €. Free for less than 7 years old.
Phone: +34
Phone 2 : Fax +34
Metro/Bus: Metro: L1 Arc de Triomf / Renfe: Arc de Triomf / Bus: 14, 39, 51, 120
Barcelona metro map
Hotels: Find your hotel in Barcelona in this area.
Last comment
a good one ;-)
Charleen (13 Sep 2023 - 08:32)
the best museums in Barcelona ;-) for those with a sweet tooth
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Last comments - 4 Jul 2024 - 08:02
Hello Dom, For a week's stay, a very smart pass is the City Pass (the most complete and economical) or the Barcelona Essentials Pass with two must-see monuments and the public transport card.. Best,
Dom - 4 Jul 2024 - 07:52
Best pass for one week stay?
Hello, I'm staying in Barcelona for a week. Which smart pass would you recommend? - 1 Jul 2024 - 09:48
Hello Jacqui, The Aerobus in Barcelona does not offer a specific senior discount for international visitors. Best, - 1 Jul 2024 - 09:48
Hello Colin, Yes, there are pickup points near Terminal 2C at Barcelona Airport that you can access. Specifically, you can use the express car park located in front of Terminal 2, which includes T2C. This parking area allows for quick drop-offs and pickups and is situated conveniently close to the terminal entrances​ . Best,
Colin - 1 Jul 2024 - 08:56
Picking up passengers terminal 2 c
Is there pick up points near 2 c that I can access and do I pay
Jacqui - 1 Jul 2024 - 08:54
Seniors Card
Is there a seniors discount for visitors from other countries, - 25 Jun 2024 - 10:40
Hello Rebecca, As of now, you do not need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test or a vaccination certificate to enter Spain from the United States. Spain has lifted all COVID-19-related health controls at its entry points for travelers, making travel much simpler in terms of pandemic restrictions​. Best,
Rebecca - 25 Jun 2024 - 10:36
Do I need to provide proof of negative Covid test or vaccine in order to visit Spain (coming from the U.S.)?

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  1. a good one ;-) - Charleen (13 Sep 2023 - 08:32)

    the best museums in Barcelona ;-) for those with a sweet tooth

  2. Back pack stolen at museum coffeshop - Prc (17 Mar 2019 - 10:14)

    The exact same thing as described above happened to me and my family today.
    We also lost a backpack, in very similar circumstances, the Latin person distracted us asking to buy chocolate for him and an accomplice from behind wacked the backpack and ran.

    PLEASE BE very careful with your belongings and keep them close to your body.

  3. Don't go - Hayet (2 Sep 2018 - 09:14)

    A very dangerous place where robberies happen inside THE cafeteria of the museum.When an incident occurres the staff is not helpful they're ignorant and even send people to the wrong police station where u can't file a report . I would never recommend such a place it's definitely not worth the shot
    U can get your stuff stolen for a 5 min tour in the museum to see a couple of sculptures
    A latin man in his late 20s or early 30s and another shorter man with tattoos , the taller guy plays the distraction (trowing a key then grabbing it) next to our table he tried to steal our hand bag and couldn't so he continued playing distraction , and the partner (shorter one) set in the table next to us and didn't order anything by the time we noticed it was a set up , he took advantage and stole our backpack and ran , our father ran after the tall one who starred running as well so he threw his slippers and ran away . The woman working there (note that before the incident 2 women were working )refused to call the police and instaid tried to gain time and even though the cafe has security cameras she refused to help or present the tape to the police she then gave us a printed paper with directions to a police station, .the police station turned out to be the wrong one (you can't file a report) . I believe the whole situation is a set up for families , and the stuff takes part in it they've been doing it for a long time apparently. If you were considering going with a family just don't
    Luckily our backpack had nothing that important in it , it was just a traumatizing experience

  4. pickpocket - a very sad and angry tourist (1 Feb 2016 - 09:42)

    Be extra extra extra careful! Through all our time in Barcelona we were really careful with our belongings since we heard so many cautions and stories that happened before.We didn't want to enter the museum but the smell of chocolate was really nice so we decided to sit on the café.We went to the bar and I sat down.My mother was going to the toilet so she placed her bag just next to me.And at that very moment a lady came up to me talking nonsense.I understood something was wrong so I avoided her and looked beside me and the bag was gone.While I was being distracted by her, a man was also distracting my mom,so probably there were 3 people.The waiters who worked there said this was happening a lot.If this is the case then they need better precautions like security and more cameras.They are letting this happen by doing nothing to stop this.Even if you are sitting,hold your bag on your lap.Don't even place in on the table or the chair next to you.

  5. my favourite museum ;-) - miamm (21 Jan 2014 - 10:45)

    love this museum a bit more than any other ;-)

  6. M.Chocolate - olga (5 May 2012 - 20:15)

    Mi sobrina hice un taller de chocolate para hacer una figurita y se lo paso en grande. El museo esta bien y riesgos tiene si tienes unos niños que no saben lo que es "no tocar " o padres descuidados.Esta bien para pasar un día diferente con los niños.

  7. musée du chocolat - Laura (24 Mar 2012 - 19:15)

    Moi je suis allez visiter ce musée que jai trouvé magnifique toutes ces sculture en chocolat hummmm ..... Vraiment a allez voir cest spectaculaire

  8. Merci - Catala (16 Mar 2012 - 19:15)

    Merci a ceux qui ont visite ce musee, et pris le temps d'y mettre leurs observations. Si en plus du manque d'information sur le chocolat (il y a pourtant beaucoup a dire et a montrer) le musee fait preuve d'un desinteret certain pour la securite de son public, je vais m'eviter une visite inutile et risquee.

  9. comentari sobre els comentaris llegits - manelic COSTA i ROCA (23 Dec 2011 - 19:00)

    tinc la doble nacionalitat espanyola i francesa, aixó vol dir que he pogut llegir els missatges de les dues persones franceses que presenteu mes amunt, no dubto de les seves opinions i em fa pena que es parli aixis sense que ningú hop tingui en compte: Jo pensava enviar-vos una pastilla de xacolata que té més de 90 anys pel vostre museu, empró devant el que he llegit no penso fer-ho. Un saludo, MANELIC

  10. musée du chocolat...pickpocket... - Anne (21 Dec 2011 - 13:15)

    Nous avons visité le musée avec nos trois enfants le 20 décembre et nous nous sommes attablés ensuite autour d'une tasse de chocolat dans la petite cafétéria qui termine le musée. Mon sac à main était sur le dossier de ma chaise, contre le mur, il a été volé devant nous tous.....avec argent, passeports, billets d'avions, CB, clés etc... sous l'oeil totalement indifférent des serveuses qui vous montrent juste qu'il y a un panneau indiquant l'éventualité de pickpockets....

  11. Chocolate Museum - Raven28 (25 Sep 2011 - 21:45)

    Nevermind my earlier comment - missed Chocolate Museum on listing when I first looked.

    This is a fun museum! Very interesting & chocolate at the end of the tour! :)

  12. Musée du chocolat - Anne (4 Sep 2011 - 10:45)

    J'ai visité ce musée fin août : une vraie escroquerie !!! Vous payez entre 4 et 5 € l'entrée pour voir quelques scultures en chocolat ; ça vous prend maxi 20 mn. Vous n'avez aucune explication sur la transformation de la fève en chocolat à croquer ! Aucune démonstration culinaire, le coin "cuisine" était fermé en plein été !
    L'histoire de la découverte du chocolat vous est racontée très très brièvement, avec entre autres un mini film d'à peine 5 mn !
    Nous étions plusieurs français à visiter ce musée et avons été fortement déçus par ce lieu et nous le déconseillons vivement. C'est très très cher pour le peu qu'il y a à voir.

  13. Museum of Chocolate - Barcelona - cELlery (14 Feb 2011 - 08:45)

    Beautiful museum, great hot chocolate, but WATCH YOUR PURSE. Wife's was stolen in a moment of inattention in the cafeteria area. Museum has no security and apparently no interest in it. Women are targeted for theft all over this city, and the police/government does nothing about it.

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