Cerveceria Catalana à Barcelone Espagne

Cerveceria catalana
Cervecería Catalana est une brasserie et un restaurant de tapas à Barcelone.
Il est considéré un des endroits où l'on peut déguster les meilleures tapas de la ville.
Vous y trouverez toutes sortes de tapas et de "montaditos" (bouts de pain avec, par exemple, du fromage au dessus).
Comme c'est aussi une brasserie, ils ont des bières nationales et internationales.
Ce assez bon marché avec, en plus, une superbe qualité de leurs produits. Le restaurant est toujours plein!
Essayer d'arriver tôt pour trouver une table.
Cerveceria Catalana à Barcelone Espagne
Mallorca, 236, 08008 Barcelona, EspagneQuartier: Eixample right
Site web: Cervecería Catalana - Barcelona
Horaires d'ouverture: Lundi à Vendredi de 8h à 1:30h du matin. Samedi et Dimanche ils ouvrent à 9h. Fermé à Noël.
Prix: 30€
Tél.: +34 932 16 03 68
Métro/Bus: Metro: L3 Passeig de Gràcia
Plan metro Barcelone
Hôtels: Trouvez votre hotel à barcelone dans dans ce quartier.
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22 commentaires
Réservation - Evelyne 0033622200817 (11 mai 2022 - 10:40)
Impossible de réserver par téléphone, pas de réponse aux nombreux appels. Y a t’il un problème sur la ligne ? Peut on avoir un tel portable. Merci de répondre .
tapas impec - lalalolo (17 juil 2017 - 12:44)
Blindé de monde mais de bonne qualité rapide et vraiment pas cher. Parfait selon moi pour le quartier où les prix ont tendance à monter très vite!
deception - lhonneux (1 avr 2014 - 09:00)
Restaurant tapàs pour touristes
Service express et peu sympa
Qualité moyenne , beaucoup de bruit,
Prix correct mais en sortant on est déçu
Cerveseria Catalana - Mi Amigo Robbie Robinson & Stella (7 nov 2012 - 08:00)
The first thing that strikes you on a busy night = almost every night is the sheer numbers of costumers standing around the entrance area waiting for a table in the main restaurant, they stand chatting happily whilst sipping a glass LAN (an excellent red wine) A present hostess will give you a table time. Be patient the food is worth the wait. If you have timely luck on your side during the waiting you may get a couple of stools at the bar.There enjoy your selection of tapas and a bottle of beer or LAN at the counter. A great concept, well worth stealing, but finding the staff is another thing, most of them English and Spanish speaking from the Philippines. We just had to go back on our next visit to Barcelona a few weeks later.
Cerveceria Catalana - R Kirchhoff (1 nov 2012 - 20:00)
You have one night in Barcelona? Go to Sta. Maria Del Mar, detour to Sagrada Familia, then walk the short distance to this marvelous place...it's simply the best!
Fantastic food and atmosphere!
simple but really good - esteban (2 oct 2012 - 18:30)
nothing special like "modern tapas" but real traditional tapas with very fine products. Good prices. A fine place for me
resto sympa - eric (28 sept 2012 - 07:45)
c'est le top des tapas, chercher pas ailleurs.
bravo les cuistots.
cerveceria catalana - stephane augier (26 août 2012 - 16:45)
vraiment un bon endroit ou l on peut deguster de trés bon tapas,le prix est abordable,a recommander
Las majors tapas en Espana - gilberto Torres (21 juil 2012 - 10:15)
siempre que puedo visitar la ciudad de nacimiento visito el bar en la calle Mallorca para disfrutar las tapas majors del mundo
Cerveceria Catalana - Helen (16 avr 2012 - 20:15)
El mejor lugar para comer unas de las mas frescas y sabrosas tapas en Barcelona!!! las croquetas de pollo y jamon son divinas y los langostinos a la plancha es para morir !!!! son muy buenos los recomiendo 100%
my top food destination - elias athens greece (2 jan 2012 - 17:15)
If you have not been there, you haven't seen barcelona!!!
The best food, the best staff, the best service,try not to sit on a table reserved but sit on the bars,
my best regards to PePe on the left Bar the service is much more better and you can see live your mean preparation.
Try tapas with meat (Vealsirloin-fillet deveau).
Do not forget at the end of you meal, to drink cafe con Hielo!!!!
Tapas - Eva Steien (22 déc 2011 - 13:45)
The most charming restaurant Ive been to. The food superfresh,service perfect and all thoose Spanish local people.! Evening or lunch.Full always..Super!
great tapas!!! - Sonia (12 déc 2011 - 10:15)
Loved loved the tapas and the service was great. The only item that was so so were the little green peppers that were too soft a bit overcooked. All the rest was great!
mastercard - Alfonso (21 oct 2011 - 18:00)
Parece mentira que un local de calidad no acepte tarjetas mastercard. El personal es bastante rudo, superado por el numero de visitantes.
just perfect - jb (22 juil 2011 - 08:45)
not to be missed - you can design your own banquet or simply a snack - everything delicious and exquisitely prepared. Just had lunch there and considering going back for dinner
Fantastic - Gian Perroni (12 juil 2011 - 22:30)
Been to Barcelona 4 times and visited this restaurant each time. Always a line-up late at night, but worth waiting on the street with a beer and a crowd. Everything is very, very good!
tapas bar - m kerr (5 mai 2011 - 09:30)
Excellent food, helpfull staff, very busy be prepared to wait nut it is well worth it and not that expensive. Don't miss this wonderful experience.
Cerceseria Catalana- Barcelona - AKirkland (26 avr 2011 - 23:00)
This place is amazing. It was recommended to us by a few friends, including a friend who is from Barcelona. We were in Barcelona for three nights, and ate here for dinner for two of these. Very reasonably priced and the food is amazing. Go here.
Ottimi tapas - Anita (26 avr 2011 - 10:15)
Prodotti freschissimi anche cotti al momento. Mangiato benissimo e bevuto altrettanto bene. Tappa da non perdere a Barcellona!
cerveceria catalana - Nickolas (2 déc 2010 - 13:30)
The staff tries really hard to serve hundreds of -standing & sitting- hungry people. The food was good & fresh but not cheap. A really good taste experience!
Go there - David Cloke (14 sept 2010 - 12:15)
We only had three nights in Barcelona, went here the first night and returned the third. The food was great, the staff are a bit pushy (only in a 'make your mind up I have a hundred people to serve' kind of way), once you deal with that and get over it, it's a great experience. Eating at the bar stools was more fun than sitting at the tables, locals will be leaning over your shoulder but it's all part of the experience.
My mind on Restaurant Catalana - Emmanuel L. (24 juil 2010 - 15:00)
The food is very good, but the reception is disastrous. We are not a human people but just a number or a human money. Never again this experience.