Maps of Barcelona - City maps of Barcelona - Tourist map of Barcelona

Interactive Barcelona map

For an interactive Map of the city, where you will be able to find an address of Barcelona, please click here in order to go to the Interactive Barcelona Map page.


Discover Barcelona's main districts and tourist attractions:

Use left logo to navigate through this map


Download maps and plans of the city

You can then print them before your stay!

Tourist zone map of Barcelona 

We have elaborated 2 maps for your easy city trip. A maps of the Barcelona city quarters, and another one by major tourist zones:

For the map that shows the different Barcelona tourist zones at the city center please click here


Quarters Map of Barcelona

For the Barcelona by city quarters, click here.



  • Everything you need to know about the Barcelona metro (tickets, timetables, lines, stations...)
  • Everything about Barcelona airport (how to reach the city centre, arrival, departure, airlines..)
  • Barcelona hotels : the section which will allow you to find the ideal accommodation for a dream stay. Then take advantage of our site to prepare your trip to Barcelona.
  • Find in Barcelona Tours Top-rated guided tours with local experts & Best skip the line tickets.

Getting around Barcelona

Our passes and tickets to get around Barcelona as easily and cheaply as possible.

Transport Pass Barcelona

Transport Pass

Aerobus + Unlimited Public Transportation

Ideal for your stay "Transport Pass" includes both the transfer by Aerobus to and from the airport and the Hola Card which gives unlimited access for 48, 72, 96, or 120 hours to public transport: metro, bus (TMB), urban trains (FGC, Zone 1), TRAM, regional trains..

From € 29.00
Hola Barcelona Public Transport Card

Hola Transport Card

Unlimited access to public transport

Enjoy unlimited access from 48 to 120 hours to Barcelona's public transport: Metro, bus (TMB), urban railway (FGC, Zone 1), Montjuïc funicular, tram (TRAM), regional railway (Rodalies de Cataluny) + 1 round trip from the airport to the city center. Only excluding NitBus, Aerobus & hop-on hop-off.

From € 19.50
Aerobus Tickets

Aerobus Tickets

Transfers from airport to centre and back

The Aerobus is a shuttle bus that takes you from El Prat Airport to city centre in 35 minutes. One departure every 5 minutes. 365 days a year! Online tickets, tips and infos!

From € 12.25
Barcelona Hop-On Hop-Off Bus tour

Barcelona Hop-On Hop-Off Bus

Best City Tour: One single ticket, 3 routes and 45 stops!

Discover city sightseeing at your own pace with our selection of Hop-On Hop-Off bus tour tickets. An extraordinary and economic way to make the first connection with main tourist attractions.

From € 31.00
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