Port de La Selva
Au fond d’un petit cirque incurvé, El Port de la Selva est un petit port naturel fait de maisons de pêcheurs aux murs blancs. Un sentier bordé de grottes marines conduit du Phare de S’Armella à la pointe de la Creus.
Port de La Selva
Quartier: Beyond Barcelona
A visiter aux alentours
Ca Hermida
Beyond Barcelona - Carrer Illa, 7 -
Sant Pere de Rodes
Beyond Barcelona - -
Parc Naturel du Cap Creus
Beyond Barcelona - -
Port de Llanca
La ville de El port de Llançà est un village charmant bordé de cinq belles plages pour les amateurs...
Beyond Barcelona -
2 commentaires
not so warm a welcome - Professor M.MICHEL (19 sept 2008 - 15:30)
My family and I have just spent a whole week in fantastic surroundings. But there is an information bureau in Port La Seva whose young lady in attendance was especially grim and visibly not the least interested in helping foreigners. Though I speak only Castillan, I was made enthusiastically welcome by all Catalans I was able to meet. So the behaviour of that peculiar person was disarming.
When I come back, I do hope to find someone more willing to serve the demands of foreigners, be them French.
ligar - baldiri (22 juin 2007 - 16:50)
los italianos son muy ligones y portanto muy muy peligrosos. no los dejes acercar