Magic Fountain of Montjuïc

Magic Fountain of Montjuïc - Water, light and color



The Magic Fountain of Montjuïc first spouted on 19 May 1929 during the Great Universal Exhibition and continues to delight visitors to Barcelona today.


The fountain delivers a spectacular display of colour, light and water acrobatics with musical accompaniment every Thursday to Sunday in the summer months and every Friday and Saturday during winter.







When work on the Great Universal Exhibition of 1929 was well under way, the organizers felt that it needed that “something” special to make it a cut above the rest. That was when Carles Buigas submitted his project for a “colossal, daring and costly piece of work”.

Buigas's project heralded the discovery of a new art, the art of light. Light would no longer be used only to illuminate the night, but rather to embellish it too.


The Magic Fountain in numbers:


Pool dimensions: 50 x 65 m.

Basin diameter. Top: 12. Intermediate: 35 m.
Pool capacity: 3,100,000 liters (Current: 2,950,000 liters)
Number of pumps: 5
Pump output: 4x 265 hp + 1 x 125 hp
Total volume of water in circulation: 2,600 liters per second
Maximum pressure: 5.4 kg/cm2, equivalent to 54 m maximum water height
Number of water jets: 3,620
Number of water arrangements: 29
Number of hydraulic valves: 109
Number of main colors: 8
Different combinations of water-light: C(29.3) + C(29.4) + C(29.5) x CR(8.6) x CR (7.2) >> 7,000 million
Number of electric motors: 134
Output of electric motors: 1,567 hp (1,153 Kw)
Number of lights: 4,760
Illumination power: 1,507 Kw. (Current: 995 Kw)
Sound equipment power: 7,500 w RMS
Approximate length of water pipes: 1.5 Km.
Approximate length of compressed air pipes: 6 Km.
Approximate length of electric cables: 355 Km.
Date opened: May 19, 1929

Montjuic Magic Fountain Night Tour from 32€





 Winter: (October to April)*
Fridays and Saturdays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
From 30 October to 30 March (Both included) 
Music sessions: 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM *Note: Annual technical shutdown by a period of 1,5 months


 Summer: (May to September)
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 pm to 11:30 pm
From 31 March to 25 October (Both included)
Music Sessions: 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM 11:00 PM



Magic Fountain of Montjuïc

Pl Carles Buïgas, 1, Barcelona, España

Area: Sants / Montjuïc
Website: Magic Fountain - Barcelona
Horario: Winter: (October to April): 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM / Summer: (May to September) 9:30 PM 10:00 PM 10:30 PM 11:00 PM
Precios: Free
Último comentario
sant jordi 23 april
F.Rossel (26 sep 2012 - 09:15)
Is the Magic Fountain working on 23 april 2013?
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Últimos comentarios

Nicolas - 26 jul 2024 - 09:58
Carta de credito perdida
La noche pasada (del 24 de julio) me perdí mi carta de crédito (con la cual pagé). Fue al rededor de las 2 y desde Urquinaona hasta la metro de la Barceloneta. Contáctame en +34699664439 por favor.
Maria - 16 jul 2024 - 08:42
Hola, me he dejado unos airpods en el taxi con licencia 1353 Por favor contactar :) 610342896
Pol M - 15 jul 2024 - 07:38
Mochila perdida
Hola! Ayer me deje la mochila en el taxi con licencia 6076. Si alguien sabe quien es o el mismo taxista tiene la mochila por favor contacteme: 664454123 Muchas gracias. - 9 jul 2024 - 09:38
Hola Rebe, El Aerobus de Barcelona permite llevar una cantidad razonable de equipaje, adaptada a las necesidades de los viajeros que van o vienen del aeropuerto. Esto incluye: Maletas grandes: Puedes llevar una o dos maletas grandes sin problemas. Los autobuses tienen compartimentos específicos para equipaje voluminoso. Equipaje de mano: Además de las maletas grandes, puedes llevar equipaje de mano que puedes guardar en los compartimentos superiores o mantener contigo. No hay un límite exacto de equipaje, pero se espera que sea razonable para un viajero típico. Más información en la página del aerobús de este sitio web.
Rebe - 9 jul 2024 - 09:20
Aerobus Cantidad de equipaje permitido
El Aerobus tiene limite de equipaje por persona?
Hotel AC Diagonal L'illa - 7 jul 2024 - 11:20
Mochila perdida
Un cliente se ha dejado la mochila en el taxi con licencia 4743 porfavor traerla si la encuentran: 934942500
Carlos del Castillo - 3 jul 2024 - 09:16
Pérdida iPhone
Acabo de dejarme un iPhone en el taxi licencia 166. Por favor contactar conmigo para devolver al móvil 608592813. Gracias - 20 jun 2024 - 09:34
Hola JCS, He aquí un ejemplo para ilustrar la diferencia: Puerta 5: Un espectador entra al Estadio Olímpico de Barcelona a través de la Puerta 5, situada en la fachada del estadio. Boca 12: Una vez dentro del estadio, el espectador sigue las indicaciones hacia la Boca 12, que es el acceso interno que lleva a su sección de asientos. Sección 102: Desde la Boca 12, el espectador accede a la Sección 102, donde se encuentra su asiento específico, por ejemplo, Fila 10, Asiento 15.

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15 comentarios

  1. 13. oktober 2012 - JAX (25 sep 2012 - 09:30)

    Fridays and Saturdays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
    Music sessions: 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM
    *Note: Annual technical shutdown by a period of 1,5 months
    WHAT ABOUT Saturday okt. 13. 2012. Are the fountain open that day?

  2. Magic Fountain - New Year's Eve - Glykeria ( (15 sep 2012 - 10:15)

    Maybe someone knows if magic fountain in Barcelona has a music event in New Year's Eve 2013, beacause the official site doesn't say this. Please help me.

  3. maghic fountains barcelona - (25 ago 2012 - 15:00)

    does anyone know if a dvd is available of the magic fountains and their music?

  4. disappointed!!! - ak (20 jun 2012 - 10:30)

    i booked an overnight stay in barcelona specially for the magic fountains, but realise now that the show isnt every night. my kids will be soooo disappointed. We are really going to miss out. Is it really not on every night in summer? we will be there on a monday night.

  5. Music of the Magic Fountains - Kenny Malone (1 may 2012 - 19:45)

    Hi, does anyone know where I can find the list of the music played at the fountains and specifically on April 28th as I want to know the name of a song that was played.

    Thanks for your help, Kenny

  6. want one - Me (2 feb 2012 - 17:00)

    ...want such in my yard!

  7. it a cool place to be - homework on barcelona (4 nov 2011 - 11:15)

    it a cool place but i live in the uk

  8. its awesome.... - Dalip Sharma, India (27 ago 2011 - 11:15)

    i visited Magical fountain on 18/8/2011. when it started i was stunned, it was amaging, awesome, fantabulous, mind boggling......
    i felt like this fountain is alive and everything is done by the fountain itself.

    if you wanted to enjoy more, you should go and stand as close as possible. its beautiful.

    i love magical fountain.

  9. magic fountains - sheena whiteford (27 may 2011 - 11:47)

    we went to visit the fountains last week,we knew they were going to be spectacular but they took my breath away with the beauty of them,have the wow factor,a must see if your anywhere near on holiday,we went from salou and was worth the journey.

  10. critica all' amministrazione di barcellona - Roberto da Mantova (16 may 2011 - 10:45)

    Volevo segnalare che la fiera dell' automobile 2011 impedisce di fruire di questo spettacolo unico .. gli stand impediscono di vedere dal fondo di Piazza Espana e di godere la maestosa di questo 'magico' connubio di luci,acqua e musica ... chiedo se qlcn sà come protestare x il FURTO turistico perpetrato (sab. 14 ci hanno concesso di accedere nella parte alta e solo dietro veementi proteste). E' UNA VERGOGNA INAUDITA ! come se a Roma relegassero il Colosseo a parco fiere ... Roberto da Mn.

  11. Love It - Molly (7 abr 2011 - 10:00)

    LOve the fountain so colorful and pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. magic fountain - marcelle (23 nov 2010 - 02:55)

    i will visit barcelona from the 24 to the 28 th can u tell me if the fountains are open yet ?

  13. Magic Fountain - actual magic - Andrew (27 ago 2010 - 12:15)

    WARNING - the magic of the fountain is -
    a - you see your wallet;
    b - you don't see your wallet.

    The masses visit the attraction when it begins in the evening - the police station next to the fountain is full of victims at the end of the evening. The police have no visible presence!

    Do not take your wallet!

  14. closed? - Andreea (25 ene 2010 - 15:30)

    Hello, do you know when it opened this year? Hope not next week, that we'll visit Barcelona...

  15. Magic Fountains of Montjuic - Rachel (1 may 2009 - 12:07)

    I would love to see this fountain but I live in the uk and dont have the first idea how to go about it and where it is.

    Commnet bk plz.

    p.s the pictures are lovely and barcelona should be proud to have such a brilliant attraction.

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