Cookie policy

GEO PORTALS, S.L. with registered office in Andorra, Avda. del Pessebre 58, 2nd, 3rd, registered with the Registered Number of the company of Andorra 12838, llibre S-176, Foli 481-490, and provided with NRT number L-707990-G, from now ""

The website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is downloaded to your computer and allows us to understand how our users navigate through our website and remember information from browser sessions. uses its and third-party cookies that allow us to remember navigation data to improve the experience of it.

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can configure your Internet browser to erase, block or warn you in case of installation of the same. If you want to continue without change, just continue to browse the website.

What kind of cookies does use?

Technical cookies: are those that allow the user to use different navigation options or services of the website such as the session ID or making a purchase process or an inscription. His deactivation affects the operation of the website.

Third-party cookies: are those that are sent to the user's computer from a domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that obtains data through cookies.

Customization cookies: are those that allow the user to access a service with predefined general characteristics such as language or country region.

Analysis cookies: are those we use to track user behavior on our website and therefore to improve the platform based on the analysis of data usage made by users of the service.

Behavioral advertising cookies: these persistent cookies store information on user behavior in order to develop a specific profile and show adequate publicity to the same in different advertising.

If you do not want to allow the use of cookies on our website, follow the instructions below:

These procedures are subject to change by browser developers without notice, so that we can not ensure that they conform to the latest version of the browser.

Internet Explorer / Microsoft Edge
In the menu "Tools > Internet Options", go to the "Privacy", tab, select and click the "Advanced" button. Check "Override automatic cookie". Check the boxes "Enable", "Disable" or "Prompt". We recommend activating the option "Always allow cookies session" to allow optimal browsing our website.

In the menu "Tools > Options", go to the "Privacy". tab. Enables or disables the box "Tell web sites I do not want to be tracked". You can also delete the cookies installed by clicking on the "Remove individual cookies".

In the menu "Tools > Settings", go to the tab "Privacy > Content Settings". If you do not want to allow installation, you can select the option "Block data sites and third-party cookies".

In the menu "Tools > Preferences", go to the "Privacy" tab. In the "Block cookies" check the box "Always" o "Never".

If you use another browser, you can get more information on configuring the installation of cookies through the help section of the browser or assistance. If you need help to carry out the cookie settings in your browser, please send an e-mail to and we will contact you shortly with the necessary information.